मंगलवार, 12 फ़रवरी 2019

Analyze and take the Decision

If Nationalist Then First Know, Analyze Then Decide 

We got Independence in 1947

before that we were,
प्रजां for thousands of years under king with no right,

then became

ग़ुलाम (Slave) for hundreds  of years with no identity,

but first time we became

नागरिक (citizen) of a land mass in 1948 after in incarnation of 

Constitution of India

with own Identity, Right, Duty and above all the owner of State.

Must Realize the fact that We the Citizen of India of all religion, Cast, Creed, are equal as per the Law of Land
The Constitution Of India.

If we are responsible citizen of India We must get out of this thought process of प्रजां anग़ुलाम which is based on the biased approach of Cast And Creed.
Apply your brain and know your identity and power.

Because As a Citizen We have power to create such a government who enforce the Law of Land 


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