शनिवार, 27 मई 2017

Unification or marriage........ Bond of soul and god

None of us know why we marry actually

Is it for parents?
Is it for our biological needs?
Is it for society?
Is it an responsibility?

The first ever marriage in this universe is the marriage of Atma with parmatma. Which creates entire universe. Which was written in shiv puran or Vedas. The oldest groom was Param Atma or  Sadashiv and oldest bride was Prakrit or Mother Nature.

Sati or atma as an human form tries to meet Sadashiv with all prakritik Guns Satvik, Rajas and tamas. But lord Shiva was not ready to accept her in this shape although HE knows one day we have to meet but in pure form where unconditional shradha, vishwas, prem shall be prime. But natural attraction of sati or atma paved path towards sadashiv. Although he tried to discourage her movements but one feeling as an supreme Karuna turns in to Daya and he accepted her as it is. Then first time at kailash sadashiv laid down three basic vachans to sati for the real unification:

Always listen me

Be true to me

Never hide any thing from me

Unconditional faith and mutual consent

Why we are away from Param Atma or sadashiv or Ishwar or God or Allah because we are not following the basic principles of unification or marriage.

 Indian marriage system is not the confluence of to human bodies its laboratory where we have to prove the philosophy of unification by strictly following the rules or adopting the formula of unification. Which will not only give best result in this materialistic world as well unification with our origin.

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