मंगलवार, 23 मई 2017

Difficult task..... But the real task.... To know myself

Ya it's very difficult to know my own identity. Its a long journey of 50 years to explore my self. I tried every thing to get the answers of  basic questions of mine may be of every one from my child hood

Who am I?
Why I am here?
What I am doing?
Why I am not satisfied?
What will I found?
Why time restricted me?
Is all acts which I am doing is really mine?

Then I realised that I not Pankaj . it is the name given by others to me. Its the name of object called body made of every substance which exists around me. These all substances will recycled since this earth exists. Being so called human I am the top most creation of these substances but as I am having most powerful instrument brain which also in other bodies but not so powerful and creative. But its very confusing to me who is creating and why?

I tried to understand with past and present experience of creatures like me n written documents or verbally. Oldest Written documents on this earth are Vedas. Which gave me a direction of thought that there is one supreme power which is Atma also known as Paramatma create all these forms of body for his entertainment and He himself entered to evey body and plays given different roles of these bodies by himself. Its he who became every living thing himself and constitute almost 84,00,000 living (those who can be visible not visible like  germs, insects, worms,reptiles,trees,grass,moss,animal and human) where He is present and playing the tricks and every living thing is searching his origin

I found if I want to know my reality then I have to know about Atma instead of Paramatama. This the only way to solve the maze of life and reach to my origin.

Actually this practice of knowing myself gave me the answers of all above mentioned basic questions that arose in me. Actually these are the key question of the game Maze of Life. And this question is only given to the most intelligent and capable of getting the solutions creation of Atma ie Human.

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